Thematics > Animals

Featured Listings from Thematics > Animals

Lundy 1982 PUFFIN 10p def MISPLACED PERFS BLOCK OF 4 mnh

2964  Lundy 1982 Puffin def 10p pale orange with superb misplacement of horiz and vert perfs unmounted mint block of 4



Lesotho 1988 BIRDS - CAPE WEAVER plate block with PERF SHIFT mnh

57291  Lesotho 1988 Birds 16s Cape Weaver with horiz perfs shifted SG 796var unmounted mint plate block of 4 from top right of sheet showing perfs passing through value,...



Lesotho 1988 BIRDS def set ex 55s mnh

390  Lesotho 1988 Birds definitives (ex 55s) unmounted mint SG 791-799 & 801-5)



Libya 1982 BIRDS imperf set of 16 mnh

31623  Libya 1982 Birds imperf sheetlet containing complete set of 16 in composite design unmounted mint, as SG 1190-1205
